English Language, Drama and Debating
English Language, Drama and Debating
Brief Description of CCA
English Language, Drama and Debating aims at fostering a love for the English Language through the wide spectrum of literary activities. Pupils will have a chance to put up Readers Theatre performances and skits for school wide events. These opportunities enable pupils to learn the skills of speaking, reading and presenting in a fun and engaging manner.
With the advent of technology, pupils will learn how to create e-books using ICT tools as well as basic voice recording using iPads.
CCA Objectives
Language Skills | Suggested Activities |
- Speaking | - Drama techniques - Readers’ Theatre - Debates - Skits |
- Reading and Writing | - Book Club - Creating and designing e-books - Designing e-bookmarks |
- Outdoor Experiential Activities and Service to Community | - Watching dramas and plays - Participating in literary competitions - Storytelling to MOE Kindergarten children |
CCA Teachers-in-charge
Ms Noor Amirah Bte Azman
Ms Hiew Li Tiang
Mrs Sharmi Lisa Obanor
Ms Tan Hui Yin
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