Boys' Brigade
Boys’ Brigade
Brief Description of CCA
The Boys’ Brigade (BB) is a uniformed youth organisation and is recognised by the Ministry of Education as one of the eight uniformed youth groups. This CCA is open to all races, religions and nationalities as a CCA activity. Our highlights include our weekly parades which focus on character education, games, drills, badge work, learning journey and camps. We also have BB HQ events like the BB Week, etc.
CCA Objectives
We aim to guide and instill discipline in boys, facilitating the development of various life skills and competencies, thereby contributing to the character development of the boys. We want them to have a healthy boyhood and hope that every boy will benefit from the BB programme.
CCA teachers-in-charge
Ms Chen Jia Hui
Mr Devaraj s/o Nambirajan
The boys training for their Character & Adventure quest. | The character-building lessons contribute to the character development of the boys. |
Boys designing their own tote bag to promote environmental sustainability. |
The boys learning to make appreciation cards. |
Our P6 Boys took part in the 2023 Juniors Programme Adventure Quest. | They played team station games at Bishan-Ang Mo Kio Park. |
Boys playing Captain’s Ball and Dog and Bone during a weekly parade. |
Our Boys’ Brigade (BB), 107J Company, achieved High Distinction for the J M Fraser Award for Excellence. | We had a blast at our combined Boys’ Brigade & Girls’ Brigade camp with South View Primary School in our very own school compound! |